Monday 22 April 2013

Eva we all love you

                      We finally bought a pet dog, but what should we call her? We had to choose a name carefully because once the dog gets use to it we cannot change and it has to be easy and simple. We went through different names like Lezzy, Rosy, Tuffy, Tommy and such like. But Femy and I were against the names ending with ‘Y’s. The name Eva came in to my mind as puppy had features like pearl white fur, jet black eyes with Kajal (black eyeliner) and slim figure. The name was perfect as it matched her feminine appearance and also for her mischievous side.  Everybody liked the name Eva and soon she also started responding to it. Once a puppy starts responding to its name that mean it’s time to do the training. People suggested me to hire a trainer, but I read on the internet that a trainer will take thousands of Rupees only to teach how to roll and to salute. But what he cannot teach is the bond and caring between the Master and the Dog. Such kind of friendship is only achieved by maintaining a relationship beyond being just a Master.
                I have seen people treat their pets like slaves, first they buy them and then they curse them for being a liability. They always keep them tied to one place and feed them on their fixed timings. Here in Bangalore I have see people keeping their dog in cages and hit them with stick if they weep or bark to come out. Such people don’t keep dogs because they love animals but because they want to show others that they can afford to keep a dog. I don’t know about other countries but here in India I have seen it and experienced it.
                When we had bought Eva, my relatives especially from my wife’s side started criticizing our decision. One of them even had a Labrador but they started comparing Eva with their one year old dog, they were not happy to see Eva as our pet. Then one of my friend had bought a 2 month old Lab, it was a golden color male show Labrador. I use to take Eva to his place and one day he said that Eva is not real Labra, she is a hybrid dog.  So I searched the net and found that Eva was a pure American field Labrador. They are bigger and have little longer mouth than the English Show Labradors which are short, with longer ears and shorter mouth. I didn’t like the idea of comparing ‘my dog and your dog’ but as the people and especially other dog owners started to compete, and I had to jump in the competition regardless of my will.
But to compete I had train her. At first, she only responded to her name and rest whatever I tell her goes from one ear and out from the other. I read books and searched internet for tips on how to make a dog listen to you and I found some clues, the most important was to find words on which she will react.  It was obvious that she don’t know our language. It’s like a Chinese guy talking to an English guy in his own language, the response the English guy will give was the same what Eva gave.  So I started with simple words like ‘Eva Come’, ‘Eva GO’  ‘Eva Sit’ and she responded to few. Then whenever  I or Femy use to enter the house she would come running with her rubber toy in her mouth and shake her body to welcome us, we started calling it ‘Eva Dance’  and to our surprise when we say Eva dance she will go running find her rubber Toy and start dancing.   

But to make a beautiful dog, they not only need training but also physical exercise. I took Eva to beaches of Alibaug and made her run in sand and sea water, I gave her practice jumping and fetching. I started to keep a check on her health and her height, she was growing fast.  I remember when she was child she was unable to climb on the bed because of its height, she would always bark for help. Same thing she did when she wanted to get down, one day I and my friends were in a ‘Joint session’ at my place and Eva was sleeping on the bed, the smoke made her uneasy so she wanted to get down. But she was afraid to do so. My friend Devendra saw her standing at the edge of the bed; she was looking down on the floor trying to figure out how to get down. Looking at her spirit to jump Devendra started encouraging her, ‘yes Eva Jump, Jump, jump’. We all were looking at her thinking whether she will jump or ask for help. But she jumped and crashed face first on the floor but she was happy that she did and started doing her famous Eva Dance. She understood what my friend was trying to say, not because she understands English but because she was in some sort of psychological connection with him. I have seen people calling my dog and giving her command in English, because they think she understands the language but this is a totally wrong idea. Eva builds a connection and tries to understand what people are trying to her say through gestures, emotions and intensity of the word and it doesn’t have to be English. I some time talk to her in Hindi and she gives a proper response. Now for example if I want to tell her ‘no Eva stops biting the shoe’ then I will just say ‘NO’ and shaking my head is disapproval and she understands what I ‘am trying to say.
So all the dog’s lover out there I hope you find some important tips on how to be a good dog owner, because dogs are always good friends.

Eva enjoying at Kashid Beach, Alibaug

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